10 Νοε 2011



Extensions to past submissions and evidence from recorded history pointed to, in order to awaken the ill-educated and the misinformed

Transmission for Diogenis to edit & improve /  correct / add material prior to the creation of the new article intended for http://www.justiceraped.org
The transmission followed the Sunday morning Andrew Marr interview of Prime Minister David Cameron.
FOR ‘the rampant FRAUD & CORRUPTION’ that abounds in most allegedly ‘civilised states’, access the exclusive page:-
http://www.human-rights.org/confraud.htm#records [The link takes one straight to evidence that taxpayers contributions, in all states / countries that signed up to the European Convention in 1948 (Rome, if you please, note) are used to REWARD the converted victims -of the legal circles- when they agree to keep quiet about the rampant FRAUD INSTIGATED & PROCESSED through abuse of the courts facilities].
For PROOF OF THE COLLABORATION, between the Executive & the Administrative, in states such as the United Kingdom specifically, visitors should consider WHY Lord Mackay, the Lord Chancellor, got busy in promoting the ways of the British courts and was demanding that all signatory states / countries, to the European Convention on Human Rights, should adopt the ways of the British courts, after reading,  below, the explicit arrangements for ‘the sucker-serfs’ in the UK:-
“The court has inherent jurisdiction to stay an ACTION which MUST FAIL; as for instance, an action brought in respect of an act of State.”

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